

Our fees are based on the quantity of our staff team ratios and the quality of our curriculum and activities. All extra curricular activities, outings, language lessons and music and drama classes are included in our monthly fees.

0-2 years

Full time Placement –  £210 per week
Odd full days – £47 per day

Part Time Placement (5 sessions) – £140.00 per week
Odd half day sessions – £32.00

Extra hours – £8 per hour

2-5 years

Full time Placement –  £190 per week
Odd full days – £40 per day

Part Time Placement (5 sessions) – £135.00 per week
Odd half day sessions – £27.00

Extra hours – £8 per hour


A two-course hot lunch meal option is available at an additional cost of £2.50 per day. A four-week menu rota is in place and can be collected from the office.

Parents are welcome, however, to provide their own packed lunch. Heating facilities are available in our kitchen for packed lunch options.

Payment of Fees

All fees are paid in advance. There is an Administration Fee (non returnable) £25 before your child commences nursery. This also secures a place for your child.

Fees are due on 28th of each month. If for any reason your child cannot attend there are no refund of fees for days not attended and days cannot be exchanged, however extra hours/days may be available (with prior arrangement) at the usual rate.

Parents will be invoiced monthly in advance. Payment is preferred via Direct Debit or Standing Order.

Please note that fees must be paid on time or you run the risk of your child care place being suspended. You will not be allowed to enter a new month with any outstanding fees.

Child care vouchers

We accept all child care vouchers

Tax credits

Child tax credits offer additional support for families with children. Working tax credits offer financial support to low income families. Both credits are paid directly to the main carer. You may be entitled to up to 70% of childcare fees paid through the governments Tax Credits scheme. To see if you are eligible, please call the Tax Credits freephone helpline on 0345 300 3900.


Holiday dates for the year are displayed on the Notice Board  in the Reception Area

Easter Weekend: Friday and Monday

Summer Break: The last week of July and the first week of August, we will be closed for ten days.

September Weekend: Friday and Monday

Christmas Day + 3/4 days (depending on what day Christmas falls)

New Years Day + 3/4 days (depending on what day New Year falls)